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Spinal Flow Technique is a relatively new modality which is quickly becoming a household name due to its efficacy at bringing more energy into body, that the body may then draw on to heal itself.  Spinal flow works with the flow of energy and information that travels up and down the central column of our body and via our spine and brain (which is viewed as one continuous structure). 


This technique speaks directly with our nervous system, assisting it to shift from the stress states of fight/flight/freeze to the peaceful states of rest/digest/heal.  It also communicates with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and life-force energy within the cerebro-spinal structure, gradually clearing blockages that have formed over time through physical, emotional and chemical stressors.  Physcial stressors include injuries, accidents and childbirth for example, emotional stressors can involve unprocessed traumas, grief and emotionally charged experiences that have been "pushed to the back", and chemical stressors refer to environmental factors such as diet, medications or toxins.   (inlcude autopsies and nerve blocks here)


As blockages decrease and flow increases, the body has more energy to work with.  Spinal flow has been shown to bring relief and healing to a variety of physcial health conditions including..... as well as mental health struggles such as depression, anxiety, recent trauma and panic disorders.


csf kundalini shakti amniotic fluid - emerging esoteric understandings of the csf


Alongside spinal flow technique, I generally draw on a range of skills and knowledge from other energetic modalities as a session progresses, including Pranic Healing, Reiki, Eden energy medicine and the work of Barbara Brennan.


what to expect


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